
THE OperaLex VOLUNTEERS is a dedicated group of men and women who serve the needs of OperaLex in its support of the University of Kentucky Opera Theatre Program. As members of OperaLex, the willing hands of these men and women who cherish the opera program are on call to provide for the needs of the students, faculty, and staff.

Based on your interests and talents, you can help with rehearsal activities, work at performances, help with promotional mailings, keep the OperaLex membership informed, assist board members and their committees, answer communications, serve lunches, and work with the staff of the Alltech Vocal Competition, the Metropolitan Opera Kentucky District Auditions, and the UK Vocal Competition for incoming singers. In this way, you help our mission and experience the joy and satisfaction of being an OperaLex Volunteer.

The OperaLex Volunteers work with a Leadership Committee and a Service Coordinator, both of whom are members of the OperaLex Board of Directors. They are assisted by a Secretary and a Financial Coordinator.

Join the VOLUNTEERS! The opportunities you will have to associate with students, faculty, and staff of the UK Opera Program will give you an even greater appreciation for their work and dedication.

If you have not already done so, first join OperaLex by clicking “Become a Member” on the menu of the OperaLex website, then complete click the ‘Join the OperaLex Volunteers’ button below.

Giving levels are designed to fit every budget!

Membership in OperaLex supports the organization and the students, faculty and staff of the UK Opera Theatre program. Joining OperaLex brings benefits and privileges to its members in appreciation for their patronage and continuing interest.

Join the OperaLex Volunteers